{ by david linsin }

July 29, 2007

Weekly Update: Half Marathon

This week I increased my distance again to 36 km, following the pattern of the last couple of months, as you can see in the picture below. That will change in the next couple of weeks, especially next week will be a little more relaxing.

The longest run this week was 16k, which I've been running a lot of times before. It was a solid run, no problems whatsoever, but compared to last week the graph looks kinda weird.

You can see that the 14k graph is much more smoother than the 16k. Actually I don't have any explanation for that. The increase at the end of the 16k run is due to a sprint I did, but the rest of the variations are mystery to me.

Overall I'm glad that my performance becomes steadier each week. I don't have any physical problems, except for my knees, which are sometimes hurting a little bit.



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