It's done! Doublemill Lite is on Apple's table for review!
I started working on the iPhone port of Doublemill almost 6 weeks ago. I decided early on to release a free version of the game. Actually, I wanted to release it after only 2 weeks of intensive hacking. By that time I had implemented a full Player vs. Player feature.
However, my colleagues convinced me to first implement a Player vs. iPhone feature before releasing the free version and I'm glad they did. Although it meant a lot of additional hours of work, it cleared the way to the full version, because I completely finished implementing the foundation of the game. After just two weeks I got the Player vs. iPhone feature fully working.
The last two weeks I spent in beta testing. The funny things is, I almost caught all the major bugs myself. The feedback I got was positive without exception and I was confident enough to release Doublemill Lite today.
It's going to be the third free Nine Men's Morris game on the App Store, but with all due respect, I think our game can easily beat the competition in terms of UI design and iPhone compliance. If you don't believe me, I'll post a full featured marketing post on Doublemill as soon as it's available on the App Store. Stay tuned and follow us on Twitter @doublemill!
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