{ by david linsin }

February 09, 2009

Got Burned, Changing my feed!!

My current feed is run by FeedBurner. That means most of you are getting this feed from http://feeds.feedburner.com/dlinsin and thanks to FeedBurner you see stuff like "Digg This!" or "Submit to Reddit" at the bottom of each post.

FeedBurner was acquired by Google and is moving all accounts to Google Adsense by the end of this month. Since Google doesn't want me to use Adsense, I can only switch back to my old feed. So if you want to keep reading my stuff, simply switch to http://dlinsin.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default/. However, the FeedBurner feed will still be alive for the next couple of weeks.



  • mail(dlinsin@gmail.com)
  • jabber(dlinsin@gmail.com)
  • skype(dlinsin)

